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Our pick of Top Talk this month:
V5 Patches We've recently released free updates to both the Xtreme 5 and Xtreme Pro 5 CD and the Web Designer download. You can download the patches using the Update Program option in the help menu: Find out more Web Designer Find out more Xtreme 5 MAGIX-Xara Bundle Offer If you're interested in creating videos for your site, then there's just one day left in our current Xara-MAGIX bundle offer. Xara Web Designer + MAGIX Video Easy for just $59, saving $30 on the normal price if bought separately. Ends 21st December. Find out more Facebook & Twitter Here are two good ways to follow news from Xara and your fellow Xara owners, while you're waiting for the next Outsider. You can find our Facebook page here and / or sign up to follow us on Twitter twitter.com/xaragroup
"It's as close as you'll come to handing your Photoshop mock-up to a coder and saying "make that into a live site"."
"Xara Xtreme is a particularly strong contender for this visual design approach." .net And from readers of the new Xara Xtreme Guide: “Whether you're a novice or power user, you're bound to gain informative and useful insight into the depth of the program. It's definitely worth its weight in paper and worth every moment of your time.” JM Casey (NEPA) “For nearly 10 years I have used Xtreme or one of it's predecessors. I highly recommend Gary Bouton's book for getting to know the ins and outs of Xtreme quickly and enjoying every moment.” Billy J. Taylor
Easy Ellipses Did you know that you can make a Quickshape polygon into an ellipse by double-clicking on its center. Scaling Filled Objects To scale or move an object without changing its fill, just tap the - key on the numeric keypad after you have started dragging. Making Copies To make a copy of an object, drag the object and simply press the right mouse button where you want the copy. To make the copy aligned vertically, horizontally or diagonally with the original, hold the Ctrl key while dragging.
How do you normally cut, copy & paste?
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