It's not often that Xara introduces a new product line, but that's what we're announcing
today. Xara Web Designer is based on Xara Xtreme, but simplified and enhanced to make
creating websites a lot easier.
In some ways Web Designer takes over the mantle of Webstyle, which is now retired. Webstyle
was a great way to create web graphics, but required a separate web authoring tool. Web
Designer IS a complete web authoring solution. It's been described as revolutionary by those
that have seen it.
Xtreme 4 introduced HTML export, and it proved a huge hit. We've built on that, made it a lot easier to use,
added a lot more web functionality.
This issue isn't all Web Designer. We've got some more great Inspirational Art created using Xara Xtreme. We
also need your votes for the last design competition. See below. There is no new competition this month, but
next month's competition will be a little bit special...


- A freeform web authoring tool (which means text, graphics & photos anywhere
you like)
- A template-based system, but with templates that are really easy to customize, as
much as you like
- A web graphics creation tool (static and animated Flash)
- For web professionals and designers, it's an unparalleled Rapid Website
Prototyping tool
- A complete website creation solution, that can create beautiful websites.
This one product does everything required for your website - graphics creation, photo editing
and optimization, and text layout.

- Drag and drop photos. Photo editing, easy crop, photo enhance
- Vector graphics tools to draw, or edit shapes as simple as circles and
rectangle, to complex,
shaded, bezier curve based illustrations
- Drag and drop designs library of complete websites, buttons, headings,
all completely customizable
- W3C, cross-browser compatible HTML
....and a lot more.
It is not an HTML editor - in our opinion expecting users to see, let alone understand, HTML coding
is like requiring car drivers to be fully qualified mechanics. It's about time software moved on and
provided a solution that allowed complete freedom of design. This means complete WYSIWYG accuracy, so
you can be sure that your website visitors will see exactly what you intend. It means providing
advanced features such as layers, transparency, pop-ups, rollover effects with not a single line of
HTML or script required.
Xara Web Designer is not as powerful a graphics tool as Xara Xtreme (many tools are missing) - but
it is better at creating websites. Crucially (for Xtreme owners) it is file compatible with Xara
Xtreme so you can import and even copy / paste between products.
So if you're familiar with Xtreme 4's HTML export, you'll be asking what's new compared with Xtreme 4:
- Check as you type spell checker
- Single click browser preview
- Simplified, enhanced rollover buttons, NavBars, pop-up effects
- Improved Placeholder system for third party widgets, so it's easier
to add YouTube videos, Google Maps, and any of the tens of thousands of web widgets available
- A complete new range of templates
- Improved HTML quality and compatibility
- FTP publishing built-in
- Direct drag page resize.
....and a lot more.

The program costs just $49 for US customers, £39 inc VAT in the EU. Better still if you have
Xtreme 4 or Webstyle 4 you can purchase Web Designer for just $29 or £23 inc VAT (this is an
introductory 2 month offer).
Xara Web Designer will be available from the middle of next week - 1st week of March.
We've had a flower theme once before and it was one of the most popular Inspirational Arts ever, so here is
another selection from a completely different set of artists.
Find out more
We've shortlisted 6 entries for the Christmas competition, simply click the link
below to vote for your favorite.
Vote now!
Let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can
improve the Outsider
Newsletter. Contact us.

Visit the Xara graphics forums to discuss or find answers to your graphics needs. Our pick of Top Talk
this month:

Sign up for Xara tweets and catch the latest Xara news as it happens - new movies and tutorials, great art, hot
offers and updates as they happen. What's more, you
know we can't exceed 140 characters!
Become a Xara follower now at
New German download version Xtreme Pro 4
We've just launched a download-only version of the German language Xara Xtreme Pro 4.
You can buy it now and be working with Xtreme Pro within minutes. Visit our German language
You can now also download a free 30 day
trial of the German version.
You can find out the latest information on the different language versions of Xara software - German,
French, Spanish, Dutch and Italian - on
our website.

Computer Shopper
"With its unparalleled ease and speed of use and versatile export options, it's hard to imagine a
design task for which Xara's Xtreme isn't perfectly suited. Whether you go for the standard or Pro
version, it's fantastic value."
Best Buy 5 stars:
Read the full review
Creative Imaging News
"Using Xara Xtreme Pro you will soon come to appreciate its speed and flexibility.
Highly recommended."
PC Review Online
"(Xara Xtreme Pro) is very powerful, and has many advanced features that are coupled with an
interface and a working method that makes them very easy and interactive."

Selecting an object inside a group
This has to be one of the most valuable tips that many people don't know: In Xara Xtreme you can select a single
item inside a group with Ctrl click. So for example if you need to change the color of one item in a group, you
don't need to ungroup the whole thing, just Ctrl click to select it!
Middle mouse button
Yes, the scroll wheel can also act as a button. Hold it down and you can drag your document with the mouse.
Switching solid drag on and off
If you press the tab key while dragging in the Selector tool it toggles solid drag on and off.
Switching solid drag on and off
If you press the tab key while dragging a fill arrow in the Fill or Transparency tool, it toggles between
live and non-live fills.

Which web authoring software do you use?

Xara Web Designer
Find out what Web Designer is all about with this quick intro movie and beginner's guide.
