In this month's edition of the Outsider:
- The finishing line is in site for the contest to have your artwork printed in the forthcoming Xara Xtreme Guide - don't miss this chance to have your work in print, the deadline is 15th June.
- MAGIX has just launched a German version of Web Designer, available right now from their site and soon in stores throughout Germany. There are now versions of Xtreme, Xara3D and Web Designer in a wide range of European languages, find out more under 'Other News'.
- Next month's issue of the Outsider is also not to be missed, we'll have some Xtremely interesting news for you!
Xara Xtreme artists never cease to amaze us. Even when we pick a fairly narrow theme such as fish, it's a difficult task to
constrain our choice to just half a dozen images, when the variety of styles and depth of talent is so great!
Find out more
Last Call: Don't miss your chance to have your work featured in the upcoming guide to Xara Xtreme, being written as we speak by Gary Bouton for publication in the fall by McGraw Hill.
You only have until June 15th to create and submit your artwork - a new work on any subject and in any style of your choice, created in
Xara Xtreme.
Find out more and enter competition
Let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can
improve the Outsider
Newsletter. Contact us.

Visit the Xara graphics forums to discuss or find answers to your graphics needs. Our pick of Top Talk
this month:

Magix Web Designer in German
Just launched: Magix Xtreme Web Designer - a German language version of Xara Web Designer, available right now on the Magix website and in stores throughout Germany.
Magix 3D in Italian
Also released this month, a new version of Magix 3D (the Magix version of Xara3D 6) in Italian, just �29.99!
Altre info:.
You can find out the latest information on the different language versions of Xara software published by our parent company MAGIX - Xtreme, Xara3D and Web Designer in German,
French, Spanish, Dutch and Italian - on
Sign up for Xara tweets and catch the latest Xara news as it happens. Become a Xara follower now at

Digital Camera Buyer reviews Web Designer
"We haven't come across a design program quite so simple to use in ages and you really can create something that won't look like everything else out there."
Designer Today reviews Web Designer
"At $49 it truly is a steal for anyone looking for a simple way to publish their web content. I highly recommend this software.."

Rulers in Xtreme and Web Designer
The menus show that the shortcut to show / hide the rulers is Ctrl+L. This works except in the Text Tool, where this shortcut selects a line of text. So we added a second shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+R which also shows / hides the rulers. This works in all the tools including the Text Tool. And it's easy to remember - R for Rulers.
Switch between open documents in Xtreme and Web Designer
It's easy, just use Ctrl+Tab. This cycles around open documents. And if you can press the combination Ctrl+Shift+Tab it cycles the other way around the open documents.

Are you planning to move to Windows 7?

Making an Icon Person
Another short icon movie by the talented Anders Holm.
