• Not many software companies can claim to be 30 years old, so we couldn't let the occasion pass without a little celebration. 30 days of celebration to be exact! Our 30th Anniversary offers are running for 30 days (until 17th September) and have started with some irresistible bundle offers including stock photos from Fotolia, web templates, photo clipart and fonts with all new copies of our software. You'll find the details on our offer page.

    We'll add some upgrade and MAGIX offers to the mix during the month so keep checking the offers page, or follow us on Twitter / join us on Facebook.

    And if you're wondering what we've been doing for 30 years we've added a History and Product Timeline, starting with Space Invaders for the Acorn Atom in 1981!

  • Plus there are more great tutorials this month; two updated tutorials on creating Flash in Photo & Graphic Designer, Designer Pro or Web Designer Premium, and a new tutorial on publishing to the web. Also don't miss the Guest Tutorial on the Xara Xone this month, Paul Söderholm's exploration of Live Copies. More info on all these below.

  • And don't miss our other regular features including Inspirational Art, which features 6 great artists who have tackled the theme of musical instruments.
This month we feature the work of six different Xara artists who have been inspired on a musical theme.
Visit the Xara graphics forums to discuss or find answers to your graphics needs.
Our pick of Top Talk this month: TalkGraphics
  • Stop & Post has returned to TalkGraphics, so why not take a minute to show us what you're currently working on in the August Stop & Post or make a note to join in Septembers.
  • Wizard509 must have been very angry with something when he started this month's scribble challenge. Make something of that if you can!
Computer Shopper Awards
Xara Photo & Graphic Designer is one of 4 editors' nominations in the prestigious Computer Shopper awards in the Best Software category. Fingers crossed for September.

The Galleries on xara.com
If you've enjoyed browsing through the amazing images created by Xara users in the Xara Art Gallery and Xara Website Gallery, please give these pages the thumbs up by clicking the Facebook Like it button on the gallery pages.
Xara Art Gallery
Xara Art Gallery

New Wazala E-Commerce Widget
We've added a great new e-commerce widget from Wazala to the Designs Gallery of Web Designer Premium and Designer Pro. And we've updated the Widget Guide to show you how to use it.
The Widget Guide.

MAGIX Music Offer Extended
The MAGIX music bundle offer, Music Maker 17 + Samplitude Producer 11.5, has been extended to 31st August, so you've got a few more hours to take advantage of this great value bundle.
Magix Music Production Suite Offer

Xara News, As It Happens
If you don't want to wait for the next Outsider, you can sign up to the RSS feed on our News page, or you can join our Facebook community - now with over 8900 followers - or follow our tweets at twitter.com/xaragroup.

"An improved interface, organisational control and export options build on Xara's existing strengths"

says PC PRO, giving Photo & Graphic Designer 7 a coveted Recommended award
The mouse scroll wheel
It's not just for scrolling! Here's two handy other things you can do with the mouse scroll wheel.

  • Press it down and you can drag the page.
  • In the zoom tool, you can scroll in and out on a selected object using the scroll wheel.

  • Gary Bouton gets creative with the 3D extrude tool.

    You are subscribed to the Xara Outsider newslist. To change this visit xara.com/news. Back issues at xara.com/outsider.

    Let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can improve the Outsider Newsletter. Contact us.