Russian Photo & Graphic Designer 11
MAGIX has just released a Russian language version of Photo & Graphic Designer 11 and it's available now on their website.
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Website Gallery
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Art & Scatter Brushes
You've all noticed that there was a big improvement in the Freehand & Brush tool in Photo & Graphic Designer / Designer Pro 11, right?!
The brand new Art Brushes stretch a vector shape or bitmap along the line, whereas the Scatter Brushes that you know from before repeat shapes along a line (but you can now create them using any type of object - so for example you could include feathering or extrusions). You can create your own brushes but we offer a ready-made set of course, which you can find in the Brush drop down in the InfoBar of the Freehand & Brush tool, the Art brushes have an (A) after their name. Or you can browse thru them in the Line Gallery.
Watch this month's featured movie to find out more (above) or check out our knowledgebase article.
"Substantial new features and a promising cloud service push this comprehensive web design program ahead of its rivals."
Says Computeractive (issue 453), giving Web Designer 11 Premium their Buy It award.
See more reviews for Web Designer.