The latest news, offers and tutorials from Xara
In this month's edition...
- Last month's tutorial on creating a simple Web Story in Online Designer prompted some requests for an introduction to the Online Designer service from Web Designer and Designer Pro X owners who haven't used it before - and here it is, in this month's Featured Tutorial. Owners of Photo & Graphic Designer and Designer Pro X will also want to check out the Featured Movie on the Transparency Tool and the new 365 version transparency Blend Modes.
- This month's offer is a free copy of Magix's video editing software Fastcut 1 with new copies of Web Designer Premium or Designer Pro, see below.
- The last month has seen another Update Service update to Photo & Graphic Designer and an update to Xara Online Designer, check Other News below. And don't miss Inspirational Art, a selection of recent images from the Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics.
Inspirational Art // Art Mix 18 |
A selection of recent work from the TalkGraphics Art Gallery forum by Graham Ward, Tomas Kopecky and Gary Priester. - Find out more
Designer Pro & Web Designer Premium // a free copy of MAGIX Fastcut 1 |
Featured Tutorial // Xara Online Designer |
An Introduction to Xara Online Designer
Visit the Xara graphics forums to discuss or find answers to your graphics needs.
Our pick of Top Talk this month:
- If you're thinking of buying your own 3D Printer, or already have one, check out the 3D Printed Computers thread in the Off Topic forum.
- Challenge fans will find the usual Scribble and Shape challenges in the Challenges forum, but if you'd like to exercise a different part of your brain try Rik's How Many Squares? in the Off Topic forum.
- You all know about the Xara Art Gallery (right?) but don't forget there is also a Xara Web Gallery Forum where you can show off your websites created with Web Designer or Designer Pro. Why not add yours alongside the New Sites from Gary Priester and ernie-f.
Movie // Transparency Tool |
Learn how to use Xara's Transparency Tool and Transparency Blend Modes to create powerful digital effects such as reflections, overlays and filters in the latest movie in our YouTube channel (Blend Modes shown are those in the latest 365 versions of Photo & Graphic Designer and Designer Pro X).
Why not subscribe to our channel while you're there.
Photo & Graphic Designer 12.5 update
We've just released an update to Photo & Graphic Designer as part of our 365 day Update Service. Additions include a new category of Photo Filter Pre-Sets called Overlays, a really easy way to apply texture, transparency or pattern effects to your photos.
Discover What's New
Updated Release Notes
The Update Service
Xara Online Designer Update
Online Designer lets you edit your documents created with Xara remotely, in a web browser, and using any device (even tablets, Chrome books, iPads & Macs). It's perfect for remote editing of your own site or document, and for collaborative editing. Online Designer is included with Web Designer Premium and Designer Pro 365.
January 30th saw an important update - commercial designers can now give quick & easy editing access to clients via the Share & Publish option, no need for clients to sign up.
Find out more about Online Designer
Online Designer Update Log
Xara News, As It Happens
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Symbols & Auto Correction
Two of our favorite (but easily overlooked) features can be used together.
Auto correction allows you to set up shortcuts to words and phrases (so for example PGD could automatically expand to Photo & Graphic Designer when you type it), but you can also use it for symbols from the Font Awesome and (if you have a 365 version) Google Material Designs collection eg typing euro could expand to €.
You can open the Auto Correction dialog by clicking the ABC icon on the Text Tool InfoBar, and then open the Symbol Library by clicking the Pick Symbol button - and if you own 365 there's a search field in Symbol Library to make it easy to choose from the 1500+ symbols!
Photo & Graphic Designer 365 is Download Crew's 5 Star Editor's Choice :
“Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 365 is a versatile graphics package which comes packed with editing, illustration and design tools."
Read the whole review.