UK Prize Draws
If you live in the UK it might be your lucky month because there are two opportunities to win free Xara or MAGIX titles this month. Computer Shopper (Issue 325 March 2015) has a prize draw for 10 free copies of Photo & Graphic Designer 10, while there are 4 copies of the brand new MAGIX Fastcut to be won here:
Win a copy of the new MAGIX Fastcut, offer ends 31st January.
Page & Layout Designer Offer
Don't forget we're still running a January Sale on Xara Page & Layout Designer 10 - there's $£€s to be saved and a free back up CD!
Page & Layout Designer Offer
If you've already purchased Photo & Graphic Designer 10 or Designer Pro X10 you can help us make future decisions relating to the product by completing our very short survey. All help appreciated!
Complete the survey
Xara News, As It Happens
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Cusp & Smooth Joins
If you're drawing lines in the Shape Tool, double clicking on a control point (node) converts it from a cusp to a smooth join or vice versa.
Selecting Those Control Points
There are lots of different ways of selecting control points (nodes) in the Shape Tool. Click on a control point to select it, and then shift click to add another one to the selection. Or you can marquee select around the points you want to select (shift marquee select will add extra points to the selection). Or Ctrl + Shift + Click on a point to select all points on the line.
"A powerful photo-editing and design tool that won’t break the bank, Xara Photo & Graphic Designer gets better with every new release!"
Read the full review by Software Crew