The latest news, offers and tutorials from Xara
In this month's edition...
- If you own the 365 version of Web Designer Premium or Designer Pro then don't miss this month's tutorial, which looks at creating this simple single page website in Xara Online Designer (currently included with both products). Online Designer gives you the ability to edit your existing Xara documents in a browser - perfect for remote editing or collaborative working with your colleagues or clients - but you can also create new documents from the templates, as we show here.
- If you are still using an older version of Designer Pro and like the look of Online Designer, then you'll be interested in this month's offer, which is a 25% discount on upgrades plus a free copy of MAGIX Photo Manager 16 Deluxe. We're also currently including a free backup CD with new copies of Photo & Graphic Designer and Web Designer (see Other News below).
- Also in this issue check out our Featured Movie on the new Photo Filter Pre-sets, and don't miss Inspirational Art, which features another new designer.
Inspirational Art // Tomasz Sadzinica |
Introducing another designer new to Inspirational Art, Tomasz Sadzinica. - Find out more
Designer Pro Upgrades // 25% off plus a free copy of MAGIX Photo Manager 16 Deluxe |
Featured Tutorial // Xara Online Designer |
Create a single page site using Xara Online Designer
Visit the Xara graphics forums to discuss or find answers to your graphics needs.
Our pick of Top Talk this month:
- You all know about the web design chat and graphics chat forums, but there are many other interesting forums that you shouldn't forget, such as the Fonts & Typography Forum and the Photography Forum - which has had some great recent posts from TimS, such as this striking shot of a cardinal.
- There's a couple of new Challenges underway, and we feel sure that some of you made it your New Year's resolution to join in! Take your pick from the Scribble Challenge or the Shape Challenge, running now in the Challenges Forum.
- TalkGraphics now has over 30,000 members, 68,700 threads and 553,000 posts. Make sure you're part of it this year!
Our latest movie takes a look at the Photo Filter Pre-sets new in the 365 versions of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer, Web Designer Premium and Designer Pro.
Photo Filter Pre-sets are a wonderfully quick and easy way to apply popular effects to your photos, and you’ll find 75 of them in the Content Catalog - categorized to make it easier to find just the right filter to achieve the effect or ambiance you're looking for.
Why not subscribe to our YouTube channel while you're there.
Free Backup CD Offer
We are including a free backup CD with any first time purchase of Web Designer or Photo & Graphic Designer this month. The backup CD is normally an optional extra costing $10 / £8, but if you purchase either product during the remainder of January and check the backup CD option, we'll include one for free. Offer excludes upgrades and ends 31st January.
More Info on all current offers
Website Gallery
Don't forget you can submit your websites created in Web Designer or Designer Pro for possible inclusion in our Website Gallery, just check the 'include my website..' option in the Publish dialog when you publish your finished site. Like this...

Xara News, As It Happens
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Web Tip 1: XML Sitemaps
XML sitemaps can help with your SEO, and they are easy to create in Web Designer Premium / Designer Pro. Select Web Properties from the Utilities menu and go to the Publish tab. Enter the full URL of your published website in the Website URL field and click on Apply.
Web Tip 2: Single Page or Multi-Page View
If you are working on a multi-page website in either Web Designer or Designer Pro, it's easy to change from single page view (the default) to multi-page view. Simply right click on the document and then select / unselect 'Multiple page view'.
Web Tip 3: Import Website Text and Graphics
In Web Designer and Designer Pro you can import text and graphics from any site online, so if you want to recreate a site that you originally created in a different package, then you don't have to start from scratch. Just go to File > Import from Web address... (Ctrl+Alt+W).
Techworld has taken a look at Xara Web Designer Premium 365:
“Xara Web Designer is a good WYSIWYG web builder, easy to use and capable of producing quality results."
Read the whole review.