Website Gallery
Don't forget you can submit your websites created in Web Designer or Pro for possible inclusion in our Website Gallery, just check the 'include my website..' option in the Publish dialog when you publish your finished site. Like this...

Free Photo & Graphic Designer 11 Patch
We have just released a patch for Photo & Graphic Designer 11. The update is free if you already own v11, and includes a new ability to flow text left or right of an embedded graphic.
More info on the PGD11 update
Photo & Graphic Designer 11 Launch Offers Extended
We have just extended our Photo & Graphic Designer 11 launch offers on both new copies and upgrades from v10 until 3rd August 2015.
PGD11 upgrade options
Xara News, As It Happens
You can be first to receive Xara news by signing up to the RSS feed on our News page, or you can join more than 52,775 followers
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Release Notes & PDF Manual
You can find details on the new v11 features in the Designer Pro X11 Release Notes.
Owners of Designer Pro 11 have access to the beta service of Xara Online Designer which enables remote editing of the text of your website, from anywhere, on any device. You can find more information in the Release Notes for Xara Online Designer.
If you purchased in the Xara online store you will also find a link to a PDF manual in your purchase confirmation email, updated for v11.
Windows 10 & Designer 11 Activations
All our current products work with Windows 10. If you own one of our Designer v11 titles we strongly recommend that you deactivate it before installing Windows 10, so you don't lose one of your activations unnecessarily. The option to Deactivate is in the Help menu.
Font Awesome + Auto Correction (v11)
Two of our favorite (but easily overlooked) features can be used together. Auto correction allows you to set up shortcuts to words and phrases (so for example WD could automatically expand to Web Designer when you type it), but you can also use it for symbols from the Font Awesome collection eg typing euro would expand to €. There's a symbol picker in the Auto Correction dialog to make it easy!
“..the core vector illustration functionality is really quite exceptional."
“Releases of Xara always provide significant new functionality and version 11 is no different."
says See the full review