The latest news, offers and tutorials from Xara
In this month's edition...
- This month's tutorial is the third and final part of our look at SmartShapes, those ultra-editable stars of the Online Content Catalog. We focus on column charts and percentage rings included with current versions of Web Designer Premium, Photo & Graphic Designer and Designer Pro X.
- If you don't yet own the 365 version of Designer Pro X then our current offer is a great chance to catch up, with 25% off upgrades from ALL older versions of Xtreme Pro and Designer Pro. Plus we're throwing in a free copy of MAGIX Fastcut 1! Details below.
- Check Other News for the latest Update Service releases (including Designer Pro last week) and don't forget we have Hints & Tips in every issue (this month, tips on customizing your control bars). And finally don't miss Inspirational Art, which features the work of one of our favorite cartoonists!
Inspirational Art // Tomáš Kopecký |
A selection of images from one of our favorite cartoonists, Tomáš Kopecký - Find out more
Upgrade Offer // Designer Pro X365 |
Featured Tutorial // SmartShapes Pt 3 |
Create column charts and percentage rings
Visit the Xara graphics forums to discuss or find answers to your graphics needs.
Our pick of Top Talk this month:
- Some interesting new challenges for you this month. Both Gary and Rik have challenged members to recreate a logo using Xara, why not see if you can better the existing entries in How would you create this effect and how would you draw the marketplace logo. Plus Angelize is inviting you to contribute to a TalkGraphics picnic. And of course there is the July Scribble - here's 2 great entries from Scribble maestro Rik >>>
- Egg's world map post is now showing the location of 80 TalkGraphics members. TalkGraphics analytics show visitors from 164 countries in 2017 (and the Xara shop sold to 110 countries in the same time) so there's plenty of pinning left to do!
Designer Pro Updated
Just last week we released another update to Xara Designer Pro under our Update Service. This added a great selection of new content including all the Print Business Themes (100+), a new category of resumes, plus new social media templates, presentations, letters and flyers. Plus we've added support for PDF/X4 and some text editing improvements such as better support for multi-weight fonts.
If you have a current Update Service you can download the update right now for free. If your Update Service has expired then it's quick and easy to renew, just follow the link below!
What's New
Update Service Expired? Renew Now
New Online Designer Templates
We've just added another themed set of templates to Online Designer. The new 'Business' theme includes flyers, social media headings and a presentation. In Online Designer simply select Documents > Open and you'll see the templates under New Documents.
Online Designer is currently included in Web Designer, Photo & Graphic Designer and Designer Pro X as part of the Update Service.
More about Online Designer
Update Service Renewals
We've now passed the first anniversary for all 365 products, so look out for a pop-up message that alerts you when your expiry date is drawing near, simply follow the links to renew. We have an 'early bird' offer on renewals before expiry!
Xara News, As It Happens
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Customizing Control Bars
The control bars are more customizable than you might realize. You can resize them, create new toolbars, re-order the buttons, or move or copy buttons between control bars.
To create your own custom control bar go to Window > Control Bars, where you can hide or display all the existing bars by checking or unchecking them. Make sure the button palette is checked, then click on New and give your new control bar a name. You should see the new bar in the working area, just hold down Alt and drag & drop the buttons you want from the button palette to the new bar.
You can drag the new bar around to position it where you want, or leave it free floating. The standard control bars are docked by default but you can make them floating if you like by simply dragging them out over the work area. To re-dock a control bar just drag it back to the edge of your document.
You can also easily rearrange the buttons on your bars (except InfoBars), or move them to another control bar by holding down Alt and dragging the button (Alt Gr copies the button).
And if you make a complete mess of your control bars, no worry, you can always reset back to the original default position via Window > Control bars > Reset. Note this resets both control bars and galleries.
Techworld gives Web Designer Premium the thumbs up:
"Xara Web Designer Premium is an excellent WYSIWYG website builder, packed with powerful features and functionality yet also easy enough for just about anyone to use."
Read the full review