The latest news, offers, tutorials, & art from Xara
In this month's edition...
- This month's tutorial is Part 2 of our exploration of color editing in the Designer titles. Discover more about local, Theme and Named colors, and how to create shades, tints and linked colors, color schemes and contoned photos. Don't forget you can find Part 1 and all our most recent tutorials on the Xara Xone.
- We have two great offers for you this month. Firstly our last stock clearance offer on v10, this one for Designer Pro X10. There are only a few left so the offer will end when we run out or 21st March, whichever comes first. If you already own Designer then you might want to check out our lightning offer on the most popular MAGIX title with Xara customers, Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus, currently 50% off until the end of Monday. More details below.
- Don't overlook Inspirational Art, which features the work of six regulars in the Art Gallery Forum of TalkGraphics, and our Other News, which includes an update to Xara Online Designer.
Inspirational Art // Art Mix16 |
This month we've picked images from the Xara Art forum on TalkGraphics from six well known designers using Xara software. - Find out more
Special Offer // Designer Pro X10 Stock Clearance |
Save 50% on MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus |
Featured Tutorial // Editing Colors - Part 2 |
Local, Theme and Named Colors. Shades, Tints and Linked Colors & More
Visit the Xara graphics forums to discuss or find answers to your graphics needs.
Our pick of Top Talk this month:
- Put your imagination to the test and see what you can make of this month's scribble. There have already been some excellent entries in the Scribble Challenge for March, including this image from Julia >>>
- If you've ever thought of creating your own font, then you'll find Ron Duke's journey towards a new font interesting. Check it out in this thread in the Art Gallery Forum.
- Egg Bramhill is giving away his ribbon banner design, you can download the xar file now in the Web Design Forum.
Xara Online Designer Updated
Xara Online Designer allows you (or your clients) to remotely edit the text and images in websites created with Web Designer 11 or Designer Pro 11, and is included for free with both titles. The latest update adds the ability to download your document as a PDF, or the current page as a JPEG or PNG. You'll find the two new options in the Documents menu at the top left hand side of the page in Online Designer.
More about Online Designer
Page & Layout Designer 11 Offer
Our special offer on Page & Layout Designer has been extended to the end of March, so there's still time to save 20% on any new orders (excludes upgrades). The offer will end 31st March 2016.
Info on Page & Layout Designer
Info on all current Xara offers
Previous Issues of the Outsider
Don't forget you can find all back issues of the Outsider on our site. All recent Art and Tutorials are also on the XaraXone (alongside tutorials from Gary Bouton, Gary Priester and many other members of the Xara community).
Back Issues of the Outsider
The Xara Xone
Xara News, As It Happens
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Selecting Objects Inside a Group
Surprising how many don't know about this: you can select a single item within a group with Ctrl click - you don't need to ungroup everything!
Edit Inside
On a similar theme, if you have several objects to edit inside a group then Ctrl clicking each in turn can be a bit fiddly. Simply double click the group and it will open in a separate window where you can more easily edit objects in the group, or add objects to the group. Simply click Save when you're done and the edited object will be added back to the main document.
Selecting An Object Under Another Object
And if you didn't know that, then you might also find this useful too! Hold the Alt key down while in the Selector Tool. The mouse pointer changes to an upside down pointer and each time you click it will select the next object down the stack of objects.
"If you are a graphic design professional, it may be the only tool that you ever need."
Says Tony Thomas in his review of Designer Pro X11 on TechTrends.
See the full review.