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Our pick of Top Talk this month:
Foreign Language Versions MAGIX has just released Dutch language versions of Web Designer MX and Web Designer MX Premium, and a Turkish language version of Web Designer MX. They are available now in the MAGIX online stores. More info on all localised versions Xara Gallery Updated We've just started an update of the Xara Gallery at xara.com/gallery, adding the work of professional designer Bill Dale, and some updates from Alfonso Montalvo. More to follow shortly! Updated Xara Gallery V8 Designs Gallery Free Template Update Owners of V8 might not have noticed that we've done an update of all the web themes and many print templates in the Designs Gallery, to support the new Text Styles feature of v8. The update is free and you don't have to do anything to get them - next time you are online the Designs Gallery will auto-update! Xara News, As It Happens You can be first to receive Xara news by signing up to the RSS feed on our News page, or you can join more than 30,600 followers in our Facebook community, or follow our tweets at twitter.com/xaragroup.
"Releases of Xara always provide significant new functionality and version 8 is no different." Xara Designer Pro X reviewed by Graphics.com
Push Tool Shortcuts Did you know that the space bar is a shortcut to the Push tool? It works in two ways: You can either tap the space bar once to switch into the Push tool, tap it again to return to the last tool. Or you can just press and hold the space bar, push the document around, and then let go to return to the last tool. But there's an even easier way to push the document around: Simply use your center mouse button (or scroll wheel). Press this and it switches into the Push tool. Once you get used to this you'll never revert to using the old fashioned keyboard based method! |
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