- It’s a bumper month for offers. With several new titles from MAGIX due at the end of the month we’re having our second stock clearance offer in a row, this time on Music Maker MX. We also have a short return to the launch offer on upgrades from Web Designer 7 to 8, so if you missed the first one, grab this chance to save 25% on the regular upgrade prices. Both offers end 28th September. More info below.
- We’ve also just released a new Web Pack for Web Designer MX and Designer Pro X offering a selection of exciting new web page themes and widgets, more on that and the intro offer below.
- Since it’s the start of a new school year in many countries it seemed a good moment for a tutorial on how to create a school newsletter in Photo & Graphic Designer (don’t forget we offer significant academic discounts on all titles). Plus there’s more tutorial gold in the Xara Xone, with an in-depth look at control points and paths, plus a new Xara Xone guest tutorial and free stuff (more info below).
- Last but not least, part 2 of our Inspirational Art on a theme of Flight. Don’t forget you can browse thru all back issues of Inspirational Art via the drop down menu at the top of the Art page (and Facebookers amongst you can now give your favourite month the thumbs up).
As promised, part 2 of Inspirational Art on a theme of Planes & Helicopters.

Visit the Xara graphics forums to discuss or find answers to your graphics needs.

Our pick of Top Talk this month:
Join in Big Frank’s ‘animation in Xara’ challenge if you dare. It has got to be a windmill in the moonlight, nothing more or less, and there’s been some pretty good efforts already! Join in here.
You might not even be aware that there’s a forum for Xara compatible plugins on TalkGraphics. There is, and Frances Proctor has just started a series of video tutorials on using Filter Forge plugins with Xara - and what’s more she’s got a discount coupon for their plugins... find it here.
You might be surprised to hear that TalkGraphics also has a forum for displaying your non-Xara design work! Visit the Graphics Gallery forum to display your non-Xara designs to the world.
Patch Released For Designer V8We've recently released free updates for all products in the Designer 8 series. To update your installation, simply start the program and it will automatically find any available update. Alternatively use the "Update program" facility in the program Help menu. Click here for additional details
Foreign Language Versions
MAGIX has just released the Italian, French and Spanish versions of Web Designer MX & Web Designer MX Premium, and an Italian version of Photo & Graphic Designer 2013. More info on all localised versions
Xara Gallery Updated
We're continuing to update the Xara Gallery at xara.com/gallery, this month we've added some great new work from Tim Seward, and a new artist Luis Montalvo.
Updated Xara Gallery
Xara News, As It Happens
You can be first to receive Xara news by signing up to the RSS feed on our News page, or you can join more than 29,200 followers in our Facebook community, or follow our tweets at twitter.com/xaragroup.
"As the name clearly spells out, it's a multipurpose workhorse capable of handling just about any creative project you care to throw at it. What isn't so clear from the title is how eye-wateringly quick Xara is."
Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 2013 reviewed by PC Pro
Shape-shifting Quickshape Shortcuts
If you double click on any of the four control points of an ellipse, the ellipse becomes a circle. If you click on any of the control points of a rectangle, the corners become curved. And the curvature can be edited. Double click on the X on the inside of an ellipse and the ellipse becomes a hexagon. And double click the X in the center of a rectangle and the rectangle becomes an ellipse!
Here is another interesting animation movie from Zeb. All artwork is created in Xara Designer Pro (the animation is done in Toon Boom Harmony).