
There are many websites available where users can upload and share their video clips. The vast majority offer their services for free and allow you to embed the video clips in to your own website. Some even allow you to create an entire playlist or a list of favorites, which you can embed directly from their website. Below we show you how to use widgets to insert a YouTube movie or playlist.

YouTube Video

It's easy to insert a video from a video sharing website into Xara Web Designer or Xtreme. Below we give a step by step guide on how to insert videos from YouTube.
Go to YouTube, locate the video you wish to embed in your web page.
Copy the code provided from the text field named 'Embed' on the right side of the video.
In Web Designer or Xtreme 5, open the web page in which you wish to embed your YouTube video.
Using the Rectangle tool, insert a placeholder on your web page where you wish the video to appear.
Open the Web Properties dialog via Utilities > Web Properties (or by clicking on the icon in the web toolbar or Shift+Ctrl+W) and then click on the Placeholder tab.
Replace the HTML code with the code you copied from YouTube.
Click on OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.

YouTube Playlists

Below we give a step by step guide on how to insert YouTube Playlists or Favorites.
Sign in to your YouTube account and create a Playlist or add some videos to your favorites list.
Click on the Account link on the top left menu.
Click on the link 'Custom Video Players'.
Select to Create a Custom Video Player.
Next, enter the Player Name and Description and select a Theme and Layout for your custom player.
Choose your videos, your favorites or one of your playlists to be included as the content of this player. Press 'Change' to switch your content selection.
Click on the Generate Code button to save the player and create the code for embedding.
Copy the code from the Embed code text area (if you'd like to embed our playlist of Web Designer movies on your page, just copy the code shown below).
Embed Code:
<object width="416" height="337"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="416" height="337"></embed></object>
Follow the rest of the instructions from Step 3 onwards in the YouTube Video section above.