Back to all articlesReal Estate Video Starter GuidePublished by Tom #Real estate FacebookTwitterLinkedinPin this project At Waymark, we make it easy to create video content for your Real Estate marketing with our video templates that you can personalize in minutes. In this post, we’ll share some context on why you should be using video in your real estate marketing to begin with, and the types of video that will be most high-impact for you.Why use video in your real estate marketing?It is likely that the first time potential clients come across you will be online. That initial touch point is a make or break moment, and appearing trustworthy and knowledgeable is essential. A professional online presence helps win you leads and listings – and video ads are an easy way to differentiate in a busy market. There are significant advantages to using video marketing to set yourself apart: according to Inman, homes listed with video get four times more inquiries than homes listed without.You can bring in new leads by creating videos that beautifully encapsulate your listings and are more easily shareable – social videos generate exponentially more shares than photos or text. You can use your real estate videos as advertising on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and more to target the most relevant audiences in specific geographies.Video is a growing piece of the digital pie and will continue to be an effective way to show potential customers you’re worth their time. In a crowded marketplace, a little time spent on a video strategy can make a huge impact for your business. There are easy ways to build sophisticated video content and there’s no reason not to give it a shot.Is your video not playing? It can often happen that videos get corrupted due to several reasons, check these video repair tools to repair Corrupted, Broken or Unplayable Video FilesWhat types of real estate video marketing should you make?Create a video for every listing. Include listing details, photos, and contact information to make a highly-shareable and engaging video version of your listing that can be easily shared on social media, or via email and text.Make a branding video to tell your story. Tell your story as a brand or as an agent. Real Estate is a highly personal industry — a video can be a great way to communicate your experience and build trust with potential clients. Share your years of experience and points of differentiation, and include client reviews to build trust with social proof. You can use this on your website, Facebook, or Google My Business.Make a video to drive traffic to your open house. Create a video to promote your open house, and share it widely or put advertising spend behind it to be sure that come time for the event, the house is packed.Review local businesses and make community event videos. People don’t just buy homes, they also buy the neighborhood their home is in. So, make real estate video content that will both show your expertize in the neighborhood and show it off to your audience. That means making video reviews of local businesses or recaps of community events. As an added benefit, these types of video will organically involve you in the ongoing neighborhood conversation and get you some organic traffic if you tag people and groups who were at the event, or make something shareable by the business you’ve reviewed.Use vertical video to increase your social media engagement. Build your following by creating video content that is custom-fit for mobile. Make any of the above types of video vertical to optimize for mobile engagement.Make personal videos that will build your client relationships. In other words, use video as a sales tool. Make videos for the important moments in your relationship with your clients — a congratulatory video after closing or on an anniversary of your relationship, for example.Making real estate videos with Waymark.Use a Waymark real estate video template to easily make a video in just a few minutes. There’s no need to labor over filming and editing a single video for hours. Just choose one of Waymark’s templates, add your message & photos, choose your colors, upload your logo, and choose your music. Then, download to use anywhere you reach clients and potential clients. 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